Friday, September 5, 2014

"I care about the man with two faces!"

It makes me wonder, how does it feel,to have a heart of gold and a face of steel?
To be so brave that you hide behind a mask?
What is the honesty in that, human at daytime, at night a bat...

Why is it so difficult to just be yourself,
To put kindness and compassion on the top shelf?
You put me down behind my back, but in my face,
You are like a broken record stuck in one track ...
So, why do I bother to care for you?
Why do I cling to you like I do?
Where is the respect I deserve in return?
Instead I always seem to be the one to burn...

I treat you kind, I give you my friendship,
You snap me all the way out and pull me back in, like a whip!
Probably, I mean I may be the biggest fool,
but still in the end you are the tool...
You confess to me, you put yourself out there,
you feed me more information that a human can possibly bare,
still I keep my silence, and it's all for you
and still you stomp all over me like you do...
So, how is it to have to personalities, one by night-one by day?

How is it that I am the trusted, but still in your way?
You are always so good to cover up all your traces,
and I am the fool -I care about the man with two faces...
(You are like Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde...)

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